Friday, May 8, 2009

What we do in life echoes in eternity

Jordan: That's right, I really want to watch Gladiator right now.

So we are in Rome. That means one thing: ruins and the Colosseum. So two things. The Colosseum is phenomenal. Bad news, my camera batteries died the second we got inside the Colosseum. I have maybe two or three shots from inside, because we weren't going to pay to go inside a second time just to get photos for you people. Good news, I got awesome photos from the outside.

You enter the Colosseum under these cavernous hallways and you can just imagine the hordes of toga'd Romans filing in through those halls to get to their seats and watch a couple gnarly dudes duke it out to the death. After you climb the stairs and just come out on the third level overlooking the centre. Oh, it was thrilling. It really is exactly like going to a hockey game, as you walk through an arena lobby where you can buy beer for ridiculous prices and then walk up to find your seat.

So we toured the upper levels before making our way back down to the first level directly above the gladiatorial grounds. When we were standing there it was so close to the ground. You're probably 10 or 12 feet above where a lion would be eating a gladiator, because of course the gladiator would trip, fall and that would be it for him. And the ring isn't that big, no bigger than a hockey rink, maybe 200 x 100 feet. I don't know, I'm ballparking it but that would be my guess. Go on Wikipedia and prove me wrong in the comment section. And the smaller size just means you were even closer to all the action. I could picture Russell Crowe walking out into the ring from below us, chopping a poor sap's head off and then getting splashed with blood.

And then we just hung out under the Colosseum. The sun was going down, we were sitting there 50 feet away. It was an awesome feeling to be hanging out and then just look back up behind you and there is the Colosseum towering above you.

Now I'll go into little detail about everything else because I took so much time on the Colosseum, deservedly so. So also, saw Palatine Hill, ruins of the Caesars' palaces, the Roman Forum, the Arc of Constantine, the Arch of Titus, Circus Maximus, nothing there but a field and a tower, but cool anyways. Literally every street in Rome has a monument or building and church or fountain or sculpture that is noteworthy, it's like no other place. What are some of these other cool things? you ask. The Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon, the monument of the unknown soldier, Piazza del Popolo, which sits under Poncio Hill with great views of the city.

I haven't said anything about the Vatican, we're going there tomorrow. Relax.

Last night we did the Yellow Hostel pub crawl. Oh yeah we are staying the Yellow Hostel and it's the greatest hostel ever. Pub crawl was cool, we had a quick tour of the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Barberini Square with a couple of Bernini's cool fountains. Then hit up three pubs, or clubs, one with an open bar. I left the last bar after a while and went for a walk. I was going to go back to the hostel, it was probably 2:30 am but then I saw the Colosseum down a sidestreet. I thought, there's nobody there, it's all lit up nice, I'm gonna go check out the Colosseum in the middle of the night. I left Kennedy at the bar to get home safely with our two German roommates, don't worry I didn't just leave her in a seedy club to get home herself. So Colosseum at night when it's 3 in the morning is cool and quiet, you can just sit and soak it all in again.

Again, enough about the Colosseum. OK this may be a long post, but it's still just the crash course of what we've been able to see in Rome. This place is awesome.

Oh yeah on the Pub Crawl we met someone who is the cousin of a little boy Kennedy used to babysit. Yeah this girl new about Londesborough and Blyth. Londesborough and Blyth, not just Clinton, Londesborough and Blyth!

We'll check back on Sunday probably before heading to Naples to see Pompeii and then Greece. Almost one month down and just two to go.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!! Sounds sooooo absolutely AWESOME!!!
    Too bad about the batteries, though. Oh well, you got a few photos, and i'm sure your memories will be vivid. The pictures you have sent are terrific!! I can't believe you have been gone 3 weeks, one fourth of your trip. Just enjoy every single minute, cause the time will fly so quickly and you'll be back home again. We'll be glad to see you both, but i'm still hoping for the next 9 weeks to so sllooowwwlllyyy for you so you can just enjoy the experience.
    Looking forward to talking to you IN PERSON on Mother's Day!!! HUGS to both of you from ~mom~
