Saturday, May 23, 2009

Switzerland: like Canada but a little better

Kennedy: Jordan's been Bogarting the blog, and I'm sick of it. Let me tell you about why I want to move to Switzerland.
First, and most important, you can go anywhere and you'll always be able to see snow-capped mountains, clear blue lakes, and green, green grass. It is absolutely beautiful. We have photos that will prove this but, as usual, we are having technical difficulties. Will post as soon as we can.
Second, people are great here. Truly friendly, easy-going people, much like ourselves. As pedestrians, we are appreciating the fact that drivers actually stop for you at crosswalks. Every single time! It's a big change, when you're used to looking both ways at least 8 times before slowly and carefully venturing into the street, as per Naples or pretty much any other city in Italy.
Third, the weather is perfect. Maybe we are lucking out but so far, it's been sunny and warm. Today was actually almost as hot as Italy. In any case, it's better than southwestern Ontario's schizophrenic spring weather.
Fourth, there are limitless options for spending time outdoors. And even if you can't drop loads of cash on extreme sports like sky diving, you can still see a lot of cool stuff on a hike, or spend some time (not a lot though, you rent by the minute) pedal-boating around the lake.
Anyway, I'm sure there are far more reasons to love Switzerland, but being as we've only spent one full day here, that's all I've got for now. Yesterday we arrived in Lucerne, checking in to a very unique hostel just a few minutes from the water. We walked around our area for a while, then found an English version of Angels and Demons playing at the local theatre. We finally got to see Tom Hanks running like a madman through Rome. It was cool. More than once we pointed at the screen saying things like, "We were there!" "I remember that!" and "Hey everybody, Bernini designed that fountain."
We woke up early this morning and set off in search of a good hike. We sure found one. We climbed Mt. Pilatus, all 2,400 metres of it. No, I'm just kidding. We weren't allowed. We climbed to Frakmuntegg, a respectable 1,440 m up the mountain. It was impossibly hard at times, more so for me than Jordan. I guess I'll have to kick it into high gear in spinning when I get home. Jo, get ready!
It took us about 2.5 hours to reach the top, which included a half-hour stop for a quick bite to eat and some picture-taking. The views from the top were breathtaking, with Mt. Pilatus' peak towering over us at one side, a valley and more mountains to another, and the town of Lucerne below us. It was crazy! After hanging out for a bit listening to some traditional Swiss alpine horns, we took a cable car down to the bottom. I was petrified. As we climbed up, they looked really scary... but as it turns out, they're harmless. Just another way to enjoy the picturesque mountain-scapes.
Off to Mr. Pickwick's for some pub grub with my Canadian roommates. Stay classy.
P.S. Birthday shout-outs to my home girls Emily and Cathy! (Bday season is in full swing now). I've raised several pints to you both in the past few days. :)


  1. Wow!! Sounds absolutely amazing in Switzerland.
    I can't wait to see the photos. And as usual, i wish i was there with you!!

    Mac and Christina went to the formal last night with Alex Wise and his girlfriend. Gina and I made them a "formal" dinner beforehand, they seemd to love that. Guess what? Mac was voted "King of the Prom"....and Christina was voted "Queen of the Prom". Very cool!! Mac couldn't wait to tell me all about it, he actually woke me from a deep sleep and filled me in on all the exciting details. He was on cloud nine.

    Not much new to report here i guess. Hamilton has been home since last tuesday, and will return to sarnia on monday. Been nice to have someone else to care for little Anabelle when i'm busy. Hamilton has his braces off, and he has a GORGEOUS smile!! Worth $11,000?? Yeah, i guess so! :)

    Well, keep us posted on your adventures. ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!!!!
    Love and miss you!!! ~mom~

  2. Hi Kids!! GREAT PHOTOS!! I checked back to the last few blogs to see the new photos you added.
    And FINALLY there was a photo with you guys actually in the photo......that was gonna be my next comment....MORE PHOTOS of you guys seeing the sights please!!!
    Venice sounds so unique...and i can understand the stupid part Jordan!
    How long will you be in switzerland??
    PS. Hey, how are the sheets holding up that i sewed for you?

  3. hey foolz!! that's right i'm a freaking king!'s mint. here's the story...we had to nominate people for prom king/queen when we purchased the tickets and stina wasn't at school so i texted her asking who we were nominating..she said us i did...then 5mins later she texts saying she was totally joking...but it was too late...then a bunch of people starting voting for...we didn't even know we were nominees until the day of...and when we won everyone made a big circle and when we got to the middle for our dance we had a nice long was epic. but europe's prolly still a bit lata.

  4. Jordan: We leave Switzerland on Monday, tomorrow, for Munich, or for those unfamiliar, the Bavaria region in southern Germany.

    And mom, about the sheets, I know you went to a lot of trouble to get those together, but I haven't used mine once, and I'm going to throw it away/leave it at a hostel the next chance I get to make room in my pack.

    Totally bought a Swiss Army knife today, it cost a bit but it's really cool, and I bought it from the sweetest lady. Kennedy and I agree, though Rome is the coolest place we've been to so far, Luzern is definitely its equal and cool in a completely different way.

    Check back with everybody in Munich.

  5. Thanks for the shout out Kennedy! We'll have to celebrate both of our birthdays together when you get back :)
