Saturday, May 30, 2009

I want my own castle

Kennedy: Arrived in Salzburg last night. It's cold and rainy here, so we're taking a break from sight-seeing for a bit to catch up on important current events, i.e. hockey playoffs.

Last we left you, we were hanging out in Munich's beer gardens. We also took a day trip to Fussen, where King Ludwig II's famous Neuschwanstein Castle stands. It was the inspiration for Disney World's Fantasyland Castle, and it was easy to see why. It looks like your standard Disney princess castle. It sits among the cliffs of tree-covered hills, with views of three lakes and lots of green countryside. Walking up to it, you venture through a forest which I'm convinced is enchanted. Could have sworn I saw some animated chipmunks talking to each other.

On our last day in Munich, we went to the Deutsches Museum, the world's most-visited science and technology museum. Though we expected busloads of schoolchildren wandering about, it was surprisingly quiet. We got to check out exhibits of old machinery, the first airplanes, bridges, tunnels, glass-blowing, agriculture, film and photography, radio and television, and astronomy in peace. I could feel my mind expanding...

Later, we took a train to Salzburg (that's in Austria, for those who aren't Sound of Music buffs). Had a schnitzel dinner at a tiny local pub and met some very welcoming folks. Though none spoke English, the waitress (as well as several patrons) bid us 'Auf Wiederhesen' as we left.

And now, we wait til the sun comes out so we can check out the Old Town...


  1. Hey glad to hear from you again.....and so nice to see you together in a photo. What large cups of iced tea!!!

    Sounds like you are still having a blast. Easy to see why with those amazing photos.

    Are you basically "on schedule" from your original plan?

    I had my piano recital today, went well.
    In the morning we are heading to Tavistock for Judy's dance recital. Grampa and i are accompanying the fiddle player for 4 numbers. I am dancing in 5 numbers, and Madi is dancing 8. We'll have a busy day, but should be fun. Aunt Marion is here for the weekend, she'll enjoy all the fiddling and dancing, i'm sure.

    So, i should get some sleep so i can remember all my dance steps tomorrow!!
    Have a great time in Austria!!!!

  2. Hi kids, It's Aunt Marion here on your mom's computer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kennedy!!! Happy belated birthday to you too Jordan. Your mother has your b-day $$ from me so don't let her forget to give it to you when you get back. I've been reading all your blogs, feel like i'm on an arm-chair journey with you. Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Have enjoyed my weekend in Clinton, heading home this afternoon. Nothing too new or exciting to report in my life, i'm on the right side of the grass so that's all that matters. Can't wait to hear all the details in person when you guys get home. Love to you both from Auntie Marion.

  3. You having your own castle means going back to feudalism. Is that what you want?!

  4. As usual, nice to hear from you. We are having 'crappy' weather - cool, some rain. Watched Mac's soccer game (1/2 of it) tonight. They lost to Wingham 2-1 but worked hard (I think). Mel and boys are coming to Ont. end of June so sorry to say they have to go back before you get home.
    We send you birthday wishes Kennedy - this will be a very memorable one for you.
    Stay healthy. Luv, G & G


    Hey kid.....where are you and what did you do on your birthday??

    This was a very happy day for me 24 years ago!!

    ps. Hi Jordan!!

  6. Hey guys, sorry I missed Jordan's birthday, so happy birthday Buddy! Also, happy birthday Kennedy.

    Your trip sounds super awesome so far. Mike sounds like a really nice guy, you should go back and visit him before you leave.
