Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Greek 101: Yamas is Greek for 'Cheers'

Kennedy: We're already lagging behind in trying to blog more so we thought we'd do a quick update before heading out to sight-see today.
We arrived in Athens yesterday, after spending a day in Naples and Pompeii. In my opinion, Naples is no Rome. For pedestrians and drivers alike, the place is a nightmare. But the pizza we had was probably the best we'll ever eat. We didn't do much touring around, spent our only night there at our hostel, watching a European football (read: soccer) game with some guys from the U.K. It took them at least half the game to explain to us and several fellow North Americans the many systems and levels involved in the sport. Their team won though so we were all in good spirits.
Pompeii was really cool, similar to the ruins in Rome but better preserved. Most of the buildings' structures were still in tact, except for the roofs. Botanical gardens had also been added throughout, to demonstrate the types of plant life that would be growing now if that darned Vesuvius hadn't gone and erupted all those years ago.
After Pompeii, we took another train back to Rome for one last night at the Yellow. Shockingly, we had had enough of Italian food, so we went in search of Chinese cuisine for dinner. It was a welcome change, though it was the only Chinese restaurant I've seen with spaghetti on the menu. And no fortune cookies :(
So far, Athens seems nice. We are staying in Plaka, 'neighbourhood of the Gods,' the oldest part of the city. It's very touristy, but we don't mind. Just means we get to choose from a ton of great souvlaki and gyro spots! We're also a 5 minute walk from the Acropolis, so we're going to head over there today.
P.S. Happiest of birthday wishes to Miss Leanne Stephenson today!!! I'll be sure to have a Greek beer in your honour. Miss you!
P.P.S. Mom - the photos from Cinque Terre and Pisa are under the 'Viva Italia' post, where we wrote about them. Just scroll down, you'll find them.


  1. Hey Guys!

    Just spent my lunch hour at work reading and catching up on all of your blog posts. Sounds like you are having an amazing time! The pictures look great - can't wait to see more. Hope you continue to have a great time, and Ken - I expect to hear lots of crazy stories from you when you get back.

  2. Hey kids!! Oh, i found the photos of cinque terre and pisa.......COOOOL!!!

    Keep blogging....the more the better, as far as i'm concerned!!

    Oh, how i wish i could taste that pizza!!!

    Nothing new here, long weekend coming up, hoping to get some major house cleaning/organizing done.
    Hopefully some yard work too, but the forecast is SNOW!!!

    HUGS `mom~

  3. Wait... you needed someone to explain soccer to you?

    Toronto Football Club is still in season when you get back, we're hitting up a pub when they have a game and you're in town.

    p.s. We got your postcard today at the office. How sweet of you to think of us!

  4. Clarification: we know about soccer. I even played it back in the day... what we didn't know about was how the league was set up and how the teams in each league change all the time. But yeah, TFC game would be tres cool.. aren't they super expensive though?

    Glad the postcard arrived safely :)
