Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spaghetti twirler extraordinaire

Kennedy- First of all, Happy Mothers Day to all the mamas out there, especially mine!
Have also had a request to update our blog more frequently, we'll try our darndest Dad...
On to our update... it is our last night in Rome, tomorrow we head to Naples and then Pompeii. This has been my favourite city thus far, by a long shot... the history mixed with the night life, the locals mixed with the tourists [Rome is apparently where all the Canadians hang out], its been a blast, every minute.
Jordan mentioned we were heading to the Vatican in the last entry. We did that yesterday. Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peters Basilica. Im not sure if its because Ive seen like 10 museums already, but I was underwhelmed by the Vatican Museums. I feel like I've seen it all already... although Raphael's frescoes were pretty impressive. Sistine Chapel was another that didn't really live up to expectations. It wasn't well lit, it was super crowded and every four seconds a guard was yelling out "No photo!". We got a photo though, we're rebels like that.
St. Peter's was beyond words.
Seriously, look at the photo we got, and there are far more where that came from. Just massive, and so much detail. Actually, the photo won't do it justice. But check it out anyways.
Today we did a lot of walking around, hung out at a few parks, and saw the piazza where Caravaggio killed a man for beating him at tennis. Apparently Caravaggio was a bit of a sore loser.
Some last words on Rome... the Yellow Hostel is amazing. Bacon and egg sandwiches for breakfast every day, awesome staff, pub crawls, free internet, a stone's throw from the train station... if you ever come here, stay there. We shorted out an entire block of rooms earlier today while trying to cut Jordan's hair with an electric razor. To everyone staying on the 3rd floor west side, we apologize for the inconvenience.
P.S. To all those at home who've dined with me at an Italian restaurant, you'll know I'm one of those dreaded pasta cutters. However you'll be happy to hear that I've since learned to twirl my spaghetti like the best of 'em. I guess you pick it up after your 17th dish or so...


  1. it was so nice to talk to you two on the phone today, a wonderful mother's day gift for me. I like to hear the small, boring details, such as are you able to get your laundry done?....found out today that the dryers don't work well, and you have to hang your stuff up around your room for several days to finish drying, inconvenient, but manageable. I wonder about breakfast at the i found out that usually it's cornflakes with warmish milk, and maybe a stale bagel.....but the hostel in rome is fantastic, with hot delicious breakfasts....Rome rocks!!! I've wondered, Do you get sore backs carrying those huge backpacks?? Today, you told me it's not too bad, and that you don't have to carry them that far really, just from the train to the hostel, and then you leave them behind on your day trips....i had visions of Kennedy eventually just falling backwards after putting it on sometime after adding one too many souvenirs. So, maybe these are things only a mother cares about, but i have spent my entire adult life looking after the details of your lives, and even now i am interested in the smallest of details. I'm sure that will never change, i will forever love hearing about every detail.
    I hope you have a wonderful week!! HUGS ~mom~

  2. "The night life"

    I assume you left out the details because your parents read this blog.

  3. No time to post an official blog. We jumped on a plane to Athens today and landed safely. We're going to see the sights and hit up an island in the Cyclades, Paros, in a couple days. And check out some photos added from Cinque Terre, and Kennedy at Pisa.

    This is Jordan by the way. Sorry I never signed in.

  4. Hey kids......glad your trip to athens was safe.
    You mentioned that we could check out some photos from Cinque Terre and Pisa?? I don't see them. Am i missing something??

    And don't be afraid to tell us about the "night life". I can handle it, honest i can!

    A month today!! And what a month you have had, eh? Talk to you soon. luv and hugs from ~mom~

  5. Well Luis, some things aren't meant to be posted on a travel blog. Besides, I need to keep a couple of stories to share with you in person ;)
