Saturday, June 6, 2009

"This little mother has claws"

Kennedy: First and foremost, thanks to all for the birthday wishes! Had a lovely day touring around Vienna, but I think Jordan already filled you in on it.
Have spent the last three days in Prague, an absolutely awesome city. If you ever have the chance to go here, take it! Apart from the cobble-stone streets and stunning architecture, the city's history is overwhelming. It is a tourist's dream.
We spent a good portion of our first day on a walking tour, where we got a crash course in both Prague and Czech history while seeing the sights in the Old Town, New Town ("new" being the 1300s), Jewish Quarter and Mala Strana (Little Quarter). Among those, highlights included Old Town Square, with the towering Our Lady Before Tyn Cathedral, Old Town Hall and the statue of Jan Hus, the Powder Tower, which we later climbed for great panaromic views of the city, the John Lennon Wall, the famous Charles Bridge, and St. James' Basilica, where you can look at the mummified hand of a thief. Yeah, we heard some pretty crazy stories about people in Prague.
The next day, we went to Prague Castle - beautiful to look at but not so interesting on the inside. Maybe it was because we didn't spring for the audio guides, but aside from the gorgeous stained-glass windows in St. Vitus' Cathedral, we didn't get a whole lot out of it. Although the Daliborka Tower was pretty cool. It was a medieval prison, and there were a bunch of old torture devices on display. How would you like to hang out in a "body cage?" Let me assure you, you would not.
We also checked out the Kafka Gallery. I didn't know much about Franz Kafka before this, other than that he was a famous writer. After visiting this museum, I really want to read his books. Has anyone read The Castle?? It sounds really messed up; I'm so looking that up in the library when I get home. Sidenote: Did anyone guess where my blog title came from? If you said Kafka, you are correct! He is said to have made this comment about his beloved city. I think it's pretty accurate.
Today we went to the Jewish Quarter to check out the Cemetery and some of the old synagogues. We got down there and realized it was Saturday, the Sabbath, and it was all closed. So instead we went to the Museum of Communism. Yet another history lesson. From Marx, Lenin and Stalin to Jan Palach, the protests of thousands of Prague citizens through the 60s-80s, and some really crazy propaganda. To see the results of decades of Cold War documented in a few rooms in a museum was pretty overwhelming.
But I run short on time... let's just say, we have a lot more stories to share from Prague. We head to Berlin tomorrow.
p.s. Will post pics soon, promise!

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids........Wow, Prague sounds sooo interesting. I can't wait to hear more and see photos. Jordan, how many photos have you taken so far??
    Last night, I was at the Huls' residence for a barbecue to celebrate nick's upcoming marriage. It was a fun evening, delicious pig roast...i had never seen an entire pig cooked in one piece before, so even i experienced something new in my boring little life!!
    I was telling several people about your travels, and everyone has the same reaction......what an awesome experience and a great opportunity for the both of you. SO TRUE!!!

    Even though i am so looking forward to having you home again, and hearing the many details of your trip, i also want time to go slowly for you over the next month, so you can really enjoy yourselves.

    Hope you have a blast in Berlin too!!!

    Hugs from ~mom~
    PS, don't all mothers have claws??
