Monday, June 22, 2009

This is London

Jordan: We are in London. Everybody-speaks-our-language-and-drives-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-road-London. Handing-over-our-dignity-to-pay-for-bare-necessities-like-food-London. It's a nice place if you ignore the price, and though I am grossly overexaggerating, I'm also not too far off.
We arrived about three, or maybe four(five) days ago. Since we've been hitting up the main sites in and around London, with day trips to both Oxford and Bath. Totally didn't see the Roman Baths, as that would require to leave several of our toes for an admission price. Toes that neither of us are willing to give up yet.
What we have done and seen is another free tour, around the neighbourhood of Westminster, witnessing all things royal and getting some of the good stories that surround people in high places. Naturally we saw Buckingham Palace, not all it's cracked up to be, if it's cracked up to be anything. Also where our buddy Charles lives, as well as the original palace, home to Henry VIII and others. Other highlights include Westminster Abbey and the Parliament Buildings, housing the most famous Ben in the world. Not Kenobi, Big Ben, and learned how he, or it, the bell, got its name. We saw the London Eye, of course we're staying at the London Eye hostel. We are not going to take part in that part of London.
The London Eye is another of those activities that demand a virgin sacrifice just to get on. Maybe next time I come to London and am rich I won't mind handing over my dignity to the Queen just to get a look at the roof of her house. But I hear the view kicks ass.
We've also checked out the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, with a bunch of guys wandering around the lawn in medieval costumes. We ate umm, a real full English breakfast one day. It was very tasty and included all the staples of a good breakfast: bacon, sausage, egg, beans, toast and mushrooms. Kennedy didn't touch her mushrooms.
Day trip to Oxford on a Sunday, when all the students were leaving meant nothing was open. Lucky us, pay to go to Oxford and see nothing! Not quite. We got into Magdalen College, where CS Lewis attended and Christ Church Campus, with the Great Hall from the Harry Potter movies. Also went to Moo Moo's for a milkshake. Kennedy got a Snickers bar ground into hers, I had a Cadbury Creme Egg milkshake.
Today went to Bath, skipped the Roman Baths, to spend more time with our old friend Jane Austen, with a bunch of other women, on Gay Street. As you can tell I felt right at home. We love you Jane, say hello to Mr. Darcy for us. We then went to a Vegetarian Pub, just so I could be a little more emasculated. Bath Abbey was next on our list of extraordinary sites in Bath, we went there.
Had a bunch of time to kill before our bus so hung out in a park, it was very cloudy. Cloudy days are sunny days here. But as Kennedy so satisfactorily put it just now, 'But no rain thankfully.'
Totally going to a Movieum tomorrow, we don't care how many limbs we have to give up to get in.
Edinburgh in a couple days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids!! Great to hear from you of course!! Hey, take in all the sights you want, i can email you $$ if you need it, you only live once!
    But don't give up any limbs, ok?

    So, i witnessed Richie graduate from grade 8 tonight....can you believe that little boy is going to highschool next fall?? Yes, it's true!!

    Hey, Mel and Edward and Thomas arrive tomorrow (wed. june 24th). Looking forward to visiting with them. Going to cottage this weekend.

    I hope you have a great time this week!! Enjoy every minute, only 3 weeks to go.......hey, don't be sad, that's still a long time to holiday!!!

    Hugs from ~mom~
