Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Berlin has sobered us up?

Jordan: Kennedy has filled you in on the cheapness, or inexpensiveness, of the beer we've been coming across lately. We are now in Berlin, and I am absolutely thrilled to let you all know, the beer keeps getting cheaper. I can't say the beer quite rivals that which we experienced in Munich, maybe not even Prague.

So we arrived in Berlin a couple days ago now. We have spent the last two days enjoying all anyone can about the extermination of Jews and the division of a city for more than 20 years resulting in many a poor soul being shot trying to cross a wall. Maybe some of you heard of the wall that existed in Berlin? Anyways, to fill you in, it was called the Berlin Wall. The Holocaust and the murdering of the city's own citizens, I don't think this needs to be said but Berlin is a riot.

OK so we have found the free tour company, New (name of the city you are in) tours, this one the New Berlin Tour, to be awesome. We enjoyed another free walking tour of Berlin's best sites and learned much of the city's most intimate stories thanks to our tour guide and Berlin expert, a rapping Irishman named Stu. Stu provided us with great insight into things like the Holocaust Memorial, and Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, all the while keeping us entertained with such self-composed classics as 'The Berlin Wall Rap,' 'The Berlin Rap,' and 'The Hitler Rap.' Believe me, you haven't experienced the Third Reich until you've heard the Hitler Rap.

So of all the stops we've made so far, Berlin is absolutely the most sobering. In more ways than one since we're trying to save money, and though the beer here is cheap, we've vowed to hold off until Amsterdam, where I'm convinced the price of a pint will double. Everything in Berlin marks either the scars of the Second World War or the Berlin Wall. Berlin has ultimately been completed rebuilt since the bombings of WWII and much of the time after was spent under Soviet control, which wasn't even good for the Soviets.

The sites around Berlin are iconic, from the Brandenburg Gate, to the Victory Column right down the street. We took a trip up the Reichstag, the new Parliament buildings, as there is a glass cupola at the top which gives OK views of the city. I'm leaving most details out from the tour, it should be sufficient for you to know that Stu rapped three times for us. We checked out things like the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Hitler's bunker, Bebelplatz (the site of the first book burnings) and lots of other crazy stuff that could only be in a German city. Germany is great.

We checked out the Memorial to the victims of the Berlin Wall today and saw the exhibit Topography of Terrors, about the SS and all the shenanigans Hitler got himself up to for his 12 years of rule. Also went to the Jewish Museum of Berlin and again, quite the sobering experience. Running very short of time. Needless to say the Jews have had a bit of a tough go in Germany. Actually there were a lot of accounts of Jewish people who were murdered at Dachau Concentration Camp, the one we visited near Munich. Just shows how connected so much of Germany is to the Holocaust.

No joke, a pint here is to be had at 1.40 euros during happy hour, what more reason do you need to enjoy Berlin. We head for Copenhagen tomorrow and then Amsterdam. Weather has been cold lately, hope we don't run into snow. Forgive spelling and grammar seriously no time to read through this and still need a title. Take care.


  1. Hi kids. yes, i can understand why Berlin would be rather sobering. Hope you have a safe trip to Copenhagen tomorrow.

    In case you haven't heard, there will be a game 7 on friday night in the playoffs. Pittsburgh won tonight, 3 games each now. You probably have heard this already, but just in case, thought i would let you know.

    Anabelle had surgery today, no puppies for her, sorry. I know they would have been adorable, but one dog is enough for me. She has to stay overnight, i'll be sooo glad to see her in the a.m. and give her some TLC.

    So, take care of each other. Talk to you soon.
    luv ~mom~

  2. Hi there.....i keep checking, hoping to hear from you. I guess you are busy, or maybe don't have access to a computer. But hopefully you will touch base with us soon!!

    HUGS ~mom~
