Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nice: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Jordan: Still stuck with bum USB drives.

So Nice is a bit of Jekyll and Hyde. For two solid days we had to deal with rain, but today it was sunny and hot. Today was beach weather and accordingly we sat on the beach. The Mediterranean was bright blue, the shores were covered in smooth stones, that didn't always feel smooth on your back, and some women were topless. It was nice to see the sun again.

For the last two days we grunted it out through a steady rain, soaking ourselves and most of what we were carrying, despite our meek purchase of mini umbrellas. Money well spent but they only worked so well.

The first day wasn't raining so hard, but we thought, it's raining today, let's do our indoor activity today and soak up the sun later. We headed to the Musee d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, where we hoped to glimpse Andy Warhol's famous Campbell's soup can, something I was excited about, despite the lack of soup content that accompanies the piece. We never saw the soup can, but we got in for free. We also saw some other crazy stuff. Large, oversized ugly papier mache people, Indiana's LOVE painting from the 60s, and a glowing pink room you walked into that had a bunch of quotes and figurines and pictures and all sorts of crap all together. In the mix was a suicidal Pinocchio, lost without his Jiminy Cricket.

Yesterday we thought we'd do our outdoor activities, or at least some of them. It was raining harder that day than the day before. We went outside anyway. We climbed to the top of Nice. Up several flights of wet stone steps to the lookout, viewing the panaramas of Nice meant to be seen in the glowing sun. Kennedy had to hold two mini umbrellas over me while I took photos. It was a Nice view. We continued on up the side of the cliff, as the rain came down a little harder, up to the Parc de Chateau. At every corner of the park you had a different view, of the harbour, the beach, the city or the mountains to the north.

Before descending we seeked cover in a small stone shelter that has probably been there for the last 500 years. Kind of cool. There was this one square rock on the wall amongst the bricks that I swore was a pressure switch to open a secret door. There was even a door-shaped bit of brick-rock-wall opposite it in the alcove, but alas, when I pushed on the square rock, nothing happened. Kennedy held her breath so long waiting for something to happen she almost fainted.

Then we went back to the hostel to dry everything out.

Today, sunny, warm and all kinds of awesome. We took a little side trip to St. Paul de Vence, a medieval fortress town in the hills. It was pretty cool. It was almost untouched from the way it would have been several hundred years ago, except that every building was a new art and souvenir shop. But people still live there, on the sides of the stone walls are satellite dishes, but crazily enough the townspeople still get their water from the local watering hole. Awesome.

Then we got back to Nice to lie on the beach for a couple hours, which was very nice, particularly after you wedged your back into a little groove in the stones. By the way we will use adjectives other than ¨nice" in later entries.

This is getting crazy long so also we had a beer on a patio, went to an Italian place called Pasta Basta, oh yeah, and had some of the most bitchenest pastries we've ever had. With a nutella centre.

See you in Italy.

PS Brian tell me all about Flight of the Conchords.

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you. Sounds like you are on the go and seeing lots of exciting spots. We had temp of 25 yesterday and barely above freezing today. Take care and keep posting your adventure. Luv G & G
