Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bienvenue mes amis!

Now that we've started giving this blog link out to people, we thought we'd better give you something to read.

For those who don't know, these are the places we plan on hitting up. Before you ask, no, we don't plan on stopping ever. Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, England, Scotland, Ireland and back to France, because you gotta see that place twice. That is the itinerary of a duo who is never going to stop.

Kennedy: I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed at all the things I have to get done this week to prepare. I have a backpack, now I have to fill it with all the essentials to survive on for 3 months, aka mousse (have a feeling the heat won't be great for my curls), reading materials (I don't do well sleeping on trains... though I think I'll have to learn), shoes (I've been told I have to keep it to three pairs. This will be difficult). 10 days should be enough time to get my life in order.

Jordan: I'm already packed.


  1. That's great guys I look forward to reading about your adventure. Have a safe one

  2. Don't bring too much reading material....hostels are awesome for book-exchanges. I've really gotten some great reads that way!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi kids...i was so happy to hear you arrived safely! Were you totally exhausted on thursday?
    Did you get any sleep on the plane? What is the hostel like? Guess i have lots of questions, cause i wonder how things are going. I think about you alot, and hope all is going well. And of course, the age old "mothering" question.....are you getting enough to eat??
    Luv you guys! Talk to you soon. HUGS ~mom~

  5. Hi you two Uncle Doug and Aunt Wilma are following your adventures as well. Have a great time I'm sure you will.
