Saturday, April 18, 2009

Canadian boy {and girl} in Paris

Jordan: We arrived in Paris in the morning and spent a couple hours navigating the subway system and trying to find our hostel. Our first day was pretty blah and exhausting. We got to bed around 9, fell asleep instantly and slept for 12 hours straight.

Day 2 was much more interesting. We wandered around the city for at least 6 hours. Our only guide was the peaks of large buildings in the distance that we thought we would like to see. We first went to Jardin du Luxembourg and took a couple hours to browse the gardens and see the palace. Today we would not enter any buildings, making this a free day.

From the gardens we saw a cool building and walked towards it. It turned out to be the Pantheon. From there I saw what I thought was Notre Dame Cathedral. We checked it out, it totally was Notre Dame. CFP.

From there we thought we'd walk to the Eiffel Tower, a bit of a trek but we were determined to see it. On the way we stumbled across the Louvre. We walked the grounds. Awesome. There are a lot of naked people outside the Louvre. We have a picture of Kennedy with one of the larger ones.

Then we just kind of wandered down La Seine, seeing Invalides, Champs Elysees, and a couple museums before arriving at the Eiffel Tower. We will climb that later. In July, when the lines are much longer. We're smart like that.

Off to see Catacombes and Montmartre today, then catching a train to Barcelona this evening.


  1. Hi kids. Glad to actually SEE you in Paris. So exciting!! I hope all is going well. We checked the weather in Barcelona, and it seemed to be comfortable. All is fine here at home.
    But it sure is quiet!! And we are eating lots of leftovers, i need to learn not to cook as much food! Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Luv Mom HUGS

  2. Hey Jordan, try not being so squinty in the next picture. Kennedy, nice job.

  3. Just a reminder to everyone, and Brian, the comment section on this blog is not meant to be used as a forum for pointing out my flaws. I also got a wicked sunburn in Barcelona and I look hilarious if I wear no shirt. Absolutely hilarious.

    Mom you need to cook less food. Barcelona weather was nice, but much nicer in the mornings. Every morning was sunny and hot and then it cooled off a little and clouded over in the afternoons. But still, I got a sunburn out of it.
